Author guidelines

Format and Length

All contributions should be submitted in Word format. Contributions in Dutch should also contain an English abstract and English title. In case you opt for a blind review, please also submit an anonymous manuscript.


  • Length: 4000-10000 words, including footnotes and references
  • Required components:
    • Abstract: 100-150 words
    • Keywords: 5-7
    • Introduction
    • Main text
    • Conclusion
    • Declaration of conflict of interests
    • Footnotes (see style below)

Registered reports (stage 1 review)

  • Required components:
    • Abstract
    • Introduction
    • State-of-the-art
    • Methodology (ensure sufficient clarity and degree of methodological detail)
    • Pilot Data (where applicable)
    • Following data collection the contribution needs to be drafted with the required components stated above (stage 2 review)

Outline (scheduled review)

  • Length: maximum 2 pages
  • Required components:
    • Provisional title
    • Abstract
    • Keywords: Indicate the keywords that identify the sub-field and the research topic.
    • Problem statement
    • Research question(s) and/or theory.
    • Methodology
    • Key references


For information regarding the formatting of your manuscript we refer to the APA 7th style guide.

Reference styles

For references, authors are required to use any of the following reference styles:

  • APA 7th
  • V&A (for law articles in Dutch)
  • or a combination (e.g. APA 7th for references to literature, V&A footnotes for references to case law and legislation)

Anonymous manuscript

If you submit an anonymous manuscript, you must ensure that the file has any identifying text removed. Please consider the following:

  • If the paper has a title page removing the authors name and contact information.
  • Check the bibliography and the text for self-citation.
  • Also check for mentions not made explicitly. The following phrases might give away an author’s identity and should be edited:
    • ‘As I previously discussed….’
    • ‘As I have showed…’
    • ‘My previous work….’
  • Remove any identifying metadata from the file.